Aera Global

Mobile Threat Defense

Mobile Threat Defense protects users, their devices, and corporate data from known and never-before-seen mobile threats by leveraging our market leading Endpoint Security deep learning engine.
Mobile Threat Defense (MTD) for Android, iOS and Chrome OS devices.


Enhance your protection against the most advanced threats with our industry-leading mobile threat defense solution, Mobile Threat Defense.
Expand your organization’s visibility by incorporating Android,iOS and Chrome OS threat and management data into XDR. Perform detailed threat hunting and IT ops tasks.
Expand your organization’s visibility by incorporating Android,iOS and Chrome OS threat and management data into XDR. Perform detailed threat hunting and IT ops tasks.

Core Features

Mobile Threat Defense continuously monitors for and alerts users and IT administrators to signs of potential compromise so they can rapidly remediate issues and automatically revoke access to corporate resources. Compliance checks detect jailbreaking, rooting, encryption status, and more, informing users and IT administrators of necessary operating system updates. Device health check recommendations further guide security settings.


Comprehensive 24/7 managed threat protection, detection, diagnosis, monitoring and response service to the real-time cyber threats and security incidents. Provides analyst-led threat hunting, investigation, threat containment, and full-scale incident response to comletely eliminate the threats.

£2 per month.
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by EVE
Encrypted Mail
Encrypted Calls
Encrypted Cloud